A 43-year-old Japanese piano teacher, player in a virtual game world called "Maple Story" , became so angry about the sudden divorce from her online husband that she logged on with his

She said to the police "I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry"
Players in "Maple Story" create and manipulate "avatars" that represent themselves, while engaging in relationships, social activities and fighting monsters and other obstacles.
The woman used log-in information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married, in order to kill the character. The man complained to police when he discovered his online avatar was dead.
The woman was arrested Wednesday and taken 1,000 km from her home in Miyazaki to be detained in Sapporo, where the man lives, the official said. She did no plot any "real world" revenge.
She has not yet been formally charged. If convicted, she could face up to five years in prison or a fine up to ¥500,000.